Constitution of the Alton Sports Centre Health and Fun Club.

1. Name
The name of the club shall be ‘The Alton Sports Centre Health and Fun Club’ (The Club).

2. Objectives
The objectives of the Club are to organise and encourage:
a) Sports and physical activities in a friendly spirit
b) Other recreational and social activities among people in the senior age group

3. Management
The management of the Alton Sports Centre appointed by East Hampshire District Council (the manager) shall determine from time to time:
a) The minimum age and catchment area for new members
b) The maximum number of members of the club
c) The availability of the centre for use by the club
d) The use of the centre by members on club days, the daily program, the areas of use and equipment availability.
e) The annual membership subscription and daily entrance fee payable to Alton Sports Centre.
f) The restoration of membership cancelled because of non-payment of the annual subscription on the due date.

4. Membership
a) ACTIVE – a member entitled to all the rights and privileges and subject to all obligations which membership confers or implies. Without limiting such rights and obligations, such rights shall include eligibility to see office in the Club and the right to vote on all matters requiring a vote of the membership; such obligations shall include regular attendance and prompt payment of dues. In particular the annual membership subscription due on the 1st April must be paid by 1st May immediately following otherwise membership ceases forthwith. Membership of the Club shall be acquired by application to, and accepted by, the Manager.
b) LIFE – any member who has reached the age of 90 years will be offered life membership of the Club. A life member shall have all of the rights and privileges of active members so long as the member fulfils all obligations thereof. In addition, a life member is not required to pay an annual membership, but will continue to pay the entrance fee.
c) CANCELLATION – the Club Committee shall have the power to recommend to the Manager the cancellation of membership of any member by at least a two thirds majority of the Committee. Such member shall have the right of appeal at a meeting with the Manager, at which the Club Chairman and one other member of the Committee shall be present.

5. The Committee
The management of the Club shall be entrusted to a Committee. The Committee may, with the agreement of the Manager, take such action as it thinks necessary to advance the objectives of the Club. The Committee shall be composed as follows:
a) Chairman. Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and six other members.
b) Coordinator, being a member of the Sports Centre staff nominated by the Manager, who will have full voting powers in the Committee and at General Meetings.

6. Committee Vacancies
Casual vacancies occurring on the Committee may be filled by the Committee, to act until the next Annual General Meeting.

7. Committee Meetings and Quorum
The Committee shall meet at such times and places as it shall decide and at such meetings five members shall be the quorum.

8. Exclusions from Committee Membership
Any member of the Committee who is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Committee shall cease to be a member of the Committee, unless either he or she has been sick and is expected to recover or he or she has received Leave of absence from the Committee.

9. Terms of Office and Retirement of a Committee Members
The new Committee shall assume office at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting at which they have been elected until after the next Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM will elect the officers (Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer) annually. They may serve for a period of up to five years.

10. Nominations of the Committee
Nominations for the Committee shall be in writing and in the hands of the Secretary not less than fourteen days before the AGM together with the names of the proposing and seconding members and the agreement of the nominated member.

11. Election of Committee Members
a) If more than sufficient nominations are received to fill the vacancies on the Committee a voting paper will be given to all members present at the AGM.
b) In the event of insufficient nominations being made to fill all vacancies on the Committee, then nomination for such vacancies can also be made from the floor at the AGM.

12. Annual General Meeting
The Club shall hold an AGM within three months of the end of every financial year at such a time and place as may be determined by the Committee. Members must be given at least 28 days’ notice in writing on the Club notice board and verbally at Club meetings. The AGM shall transact the following business:
a) Chairman’s report on the Club activities since the previous AGM.
b) Receive audited accounts of the Club from the previous AGM.
c) Conduct the election of the Committee and announce the names of members so elected.
d) Consider any other business properly advised to the Secretary in writing together with the names of the proposed and seconded, not later than fourteen days before the AGM.

13. Special General Meeting
A Special General Meeting of the Club for any purpose relating to the interest of the Club may be convened by the Committee as it thinks fit by not less than 30 members notifying the Secretary in writing, giving the purpose for which, the meeting is requested. One quarter of the membership shall constitute a quorum at any Special General Meeting.

14. Voting
Every active and life member present at a General Meeting shall be entitled to one vote and the coordinator shall have one vote. The Chairman shall not have a vote, except in the event of a tie, when he or she will have the casting vote.

15. Funds
The Committee shall control any funds of the Club and shall defray all expenses therefrom and may deposit funds in a named bank or building society. Amounts due shall be paid either by cheque or through petty cash. No obligation may be approved or made by the Committee which would result in a deficit of the total funds of the Club at any time.

16. Accounts
The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping proper records of the accounts and for submitting regular reports on the financial position of the Club to the Committee and shall prepare the annual accounts of the Club. Before each AGM the Treasurer shall deliver to the auditor or auditors a statement of income and expenditure for the year ending the 31st March and a balance sheet at that date, The Treasurer shall also organise the Annual Corporation Tax return during the time this is required.

17. Approval and Alteration of the Constitution
a) Any part of this Constitution relating to decisions to be made or actions to be taken by the Manager can only be amended by the said Manager or, in the absence of the Manager, the Manager’s appointed representative, after consultation with the Committee.
b) The remainder of the Constitution can only be amended by a duly proposed and seconded resolution adopted at a General Meeting of the Club by a majority vote of members in attendance.

18. Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the Club any surplus assets shall be distributed to selected registered charities by the Committee in office at that time. No member shall profit from that distribution.